About Biosafety Culture

Biosafety Culture

Instructor: Jan Piet Tijssen & Cathy Bakker

This course intends to inspire you. To convince you that safety not only pays (for you and the company), but also is fun and moreover a serious profession. A profession that involves many areas of knowledge and a multitude of skills, amongst others those dealing with human behaviour.
The course will get you thinking about how to convince and motivate others. Co-workers but also, not in the last place, the management. Not just words and rulings, but setting the example is of utmost importance.

It’s about how to influence behaviour, when to apply punishment or reward, how to make the safe way the most attractive and apart from preventing accidents, also to learn from near misses and get to the root causes.

Cathy is a biosafety professional and Jan-Piet is a former inspector. Roles that are not conflicting but rather support each other. Together with you we hope to further explore this difficult subject of human behaviour in relation to biosafety.


  • Safety and culture and how to change
  • Some tools for change and improve (a.o. punish and/or reward)
  • Analysis: what can go wrong and why has it gone wrong

Learning outcomes

  • Awareness of safety culture and behaviour
  • Tools to change and improve culture and attitudes
  • Some tools to improve safety

CWA 15793:2011 Reference

  • C. Human factors
    • Behaviour-based safety
    • Working in a team
  • C. Facility design
    • The design team (architects and engineers, principal investigators, users, management, safety, maintenance, communication)
  • C. Incident and accident investigation
    • Incident and accident fact collection, analysis and evaluation
    • Identify effective corrective actions
  • C. Biorisk management programme
    • Understand the principles of management systems;
    • Responsibilities within the hierarchy (including managers and committees)
    • Policies
    • Audits and inspections – principles
    • Training programme
    • Communication and motivation skills

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