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poster 2024 Antwerp-confandcourses

Oral presentations

We have 30 minutes slots available in all sessions:

  • (Novel) Approaches in BioRisk Assessments
  • Implementing Biosecurity
  • Evidence-based Biosafety / Applied Biosafety
  • New Technological Advances & Biosafety Aspects

Poster presentations

A selection of authors will be invited to give a 5-minute presentation of their poster during the main conference program. The best combination of presentation and poster will be awarded the special poster prize.

Submission Deadlines

  • 22 January 2024
    •  oral presentation
    • posters with potential poster pitch,
  • 29 Februari:
    • regular posters.

Interested in sponsoring and exhibit at the EBSA conference in 2024

You are a company providing services or products to biosafety professionals? You want to sponsor the conference or be present at the exhibition? Different options are available.