Chris Collins Lectures

Chris Collins was made an Honorary Member of EBSA for his outstanding contribution to biosafety at the Vienna meeting of EBSA in March 2002. In further recognition of his extraordinary achievements the keynote lecture at the annual EBSA conference has been named, since 2003, in his memory.

Bucharest 2019 Thinking Outside the Biosafety Box: BSL-2 Laboratory Design and Outfitting Safety and Health Pointers
Felix Gmünder, Global Biosafety Consultant, Basler & Hofmann, Switzerland
Copenhagen 2018 We All Have a Bucket - Applying High Reliability Principles to Biosafety.
Tim Trevan, Chrome Biorisk Management, United States
Madrid 2017   WHO GAP III roadmap to compliance for poliovirus-essential facilities
Toon De Kesel, Biorisk Expert, Febris, Belgium
Lille 2016   WHO biosafety manual revision - concept and consequences
Dr. Kazunobu Kojima, World Heath Organization (WHO)
Vienna 2015   ustainable improvement of biosafety standards in low resource settings - a global challenge with many players
H. Sheeley, Public Health England, Salisbury/UK
U. Müller-Doblies, Epibiosafe, Knaphill/UK
Ghent 2014   Biosafety and the global community - What's next?
J. Welch, Elizabeth R. Griffin Research Foundation, Kingsport, TN/USA
Basel 2013   My experiences with laboratory incidents and acquired infections: what goes wrong and how do we handle them?
A. Della-Porta, Biosecurity and Biocontainment International Consultants Pty. Ltd,
Manchester 2012  

Chasing: influenza virus from 1918 Spanish flu exhumations to infection of volunteers in quarantine
J.S. Oxford, Retroscreen Virology Ltd., London/UK

Estoril 2011   Aerosols to all that! From Pasteur to PCR, an alternative history of biosafety
A. Bennett, Health Protection Agency, Salisbury/UK
Ljubljana 2010   Determinants of virulence in zoonotic and pandemic influenza viruses
Sander Herfst, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam/NL
Stockholm 2009   Coping with biosafety in extreme filed conditions
Herwig Leirs, Universiteit Antwerpen/Belgium
Florence 2008   Emerging Zoonosis
Malcom Bennett, Liverpool University, United Kingdom
Heidelberg 2007   The Genetic modification of blood forming stem cells
Christof  von Kalle, Director National Center on Tumour Diseases, Heidelberg, Germany
The Hague 2006   Vaccine development for SARS, influenza and smallpox
Albert Osterhaus, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands
Barcelona 2005   Biological Safety Concepts of Genetically Modified Live Vaccines
Joachim Frey - University of Bern Institute for Veterinary Bacteriology, Bern, Switzerland
Prague 2004   Investigation of 1918 Spanish flu using permafrost burials and pathology lung blocks
Dr. Rod Daniels, National Institute for Medical Research, London, UK
Lyon 2003  

Is our Focus to be more Biosafety or Biosecurity in the Era of Bio-Terrorism?
Dr. Jonathan Richmond, Jonathan Richmond and Ass., Retired Director
Health and Safety, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta